The Welsh government has announced that a statutory registration and licensing scheme for all visitor accommodation in Wales will be introduced.
Consultation on timescales for repairs in the social rented sector
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities has opened 'Consultation on timescales for repairs in the social rented sector' on Awaab's Law with cost implications for private landlords.
Landlords: HMRC's One-To-Many letters
HMRC's latest One-To-Many letter campaign targets landlords claiming tax relief on high levels of repair costs.
Horizon scandal: tax filing issues
For over twenty years more than 700 sub-postmasters were wrongly prosecuted for fraud by the Post Office. In January 2024 the Government announced a 'mass exoneration' to clear their criminal convictions and agreeing to make an upfront payment of £75,000 in extra compensation.
Nichola's SME Tax W-update 4 January 2024
Happy New Year!
We start the year with last minute tips for Self Assessment and a new Agent Update; noting that the Spring Budget is set for 6 March and that a new condoc considers transparency for land-holding trusts.
Artificial fragmentation: no SEIS
In The Legend of the Golden Temple & Others v HMRC [2023] TC08999 ten companies created by a common director were disqualified from the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), for failing to meet the risk-to-capital condition, the trading condition and the shares requirement. Creating ten companies to perform the work of one evidenced a Disqualifying Arrangement too.
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