What is an Enterprise Zone (EZ)? Enterprise Zones were designed to attract new business to their area by offering a package of measures from capital allowances and business rate relief to planning relaxations.

This is a freeview 'At a glance' guide to Enterprise Zones (EZs).

At a glance

Business rate relief

Excepted businesses

Unincorporated businesses, including partnerships with corporate partners, are not eligible for special relief in EZs.

Certain sectors are excluded and expenditure does not qualify for allowances if it relates to:

Qualifying expenditure

To qualify for enhanced capital allowances, expenditure must:

ECAs in Enterprise Zones

From 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

Small print and links

Enterprise Zones were originally introduced in 2012. The time limits for tax reliefs were extended in Budget 2014 and in Budget 2020.

Legislation relating to Enterprise Zones and capital allowances is CAA 2001 s.45K to s.45N.

Finance Act 2016 amends CAA 2001 s.45K so that ECAs are available for eight years following the establishment of the EZ.

Government information about Enterprise Zones 

HMRC maps showing the locations of Enterprise Zones 

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