In Terrace Hill (Berkeley) Ltd v HMRC TC04282 the FTT considered a finely balanced case as to whether the profits made on the disposal of a property developed for letting amounted to a trading or an investment activity.

HMRC's case

The Tribunal reported that they found the case to be ‘finely balanced’. The starting point was considered to be that the presumption is that a developer would hold development sites as trading stock, they accepted that the claimed strategy of seeking to retain developments where rental growth looked highly promising in order to diminish fluctuating results seemed entirely cogent. They therefore found that it was the change in circumstances which led to the change of plan, and confirmed that the property was rightly treated as an investment property, allowing the appeal.


It's quite rare for property development not to be treated as a trading activity, the combination of accounting treatment and the very particular facts and circumstances seem to have tipped the balance for the company. Given the use of a loss scheme is not difficult to see why HMRC took the case; it lost by a slim margin.