In Cheshire Cavity Storage 1 Ltd & Anor v HMRC [2021] UT 0156, the Upper Tribunal (UT) dismissed the appellants appeal against the FTT decision denying a capital allowances claim on the creation of underground storage cavities for the storage of gas.

This case was an appeal by the appellants against the FTT decision in Cheshire Cavity Storage 1 Limited and Anor v HMRC [2019] TC07301 which dismissed the claim for capital allowances on underground storage cavities. It found:

The UT dismissed the appeal on the grounds that:

Useful guides on this topic

What expenditure qualifies for plant & machinery allowances?
What expenditure qualifies as plant and machinery? What is treated as part of a building? What is excluded?

Plant & machinery: Allowances
What capital allowances are available on plant and machinery? How do you calculate them? What are qualifying activities?

No capital allowances for underground gas storage cavities
In Cheshire Cavity Storage 1 Limited -and- EDF Energy (Gas Storage Hole House) Limited v HMRC [2019] TC07301 the FTT dismissed claims to capital allowances on underground gas storage cavities. They were not plant and machinery.

External links

Cheshire Cavity Storage 1 Ltd & Anor v HMRC [2021] UT 0156


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