In Colin Newell v HMRC [2021] TC08149, the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) found that the receipt of subsidy income by a biomass business did not restrict input VAT recovery.

HMRC's view was that Mr Newell was carrying on an activity that gave rise to income: some of which was taxable and some outside the scope of VAT. Accordingly, input VAT recovery should be restricted to the extent that the VAT incurred was attributable to the taxable supplies.

Mr Newell argued that the PSPs were received without having conducted any activities outside the scope of VAT. All of his activities were taxable and so there should be no restriction to input VAT recovery. 

The FTT allowed Mr Newell’s appeal:

Useful guides on this topic

Is voluntary VAT registration worthwhile?
When can a business voluntarily register for VAT? When would it be beneficial to voluntarily register?

Partial exemption & input VAT
How do you calculate the amount of input tax you can recover under the VAT partial exemption rules? What are the de minimis rules? 

Registering for VAT
When should a business register for and charge VAT? What are the VAT registration limits and VAT rules after Brexit? What penalties might HMRC issue for late notification of registration?

Starting in business: VAT
One of the first decisions to make when starting in business is whether or not you should register for VAT. 

External link

Colin Newell v HMRC [2021] TC08149

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