With the increased focus on achieving Net Zero, the government is planning to ban new petrol and diesel car sales by 2030. We review some tax issues that businesses and their employees may consider when acquiring or providing an electric vehicle.
At a glance
Capital allowances: sole traders, partnerships and companies
- New electric cars with zero CO2 emissions are eligible for 100% First-year capital allowances.
- It was proposed in Autumn Statement 2024 that the availability of 100% First Year Allowances (FYAs) on zero-emission cars would be extended until 31 March 2026 for Corporation Tax purposes and 5 April 2026 for Income Tax purposes.
- If the 100% FYA is not claimed on the full expenditure, the balance is added to the main rate pool for 18% Writing Down Allowances (WDAs).
- For unincorporated businesses, if there is private use: allocate the asset to a single asset pool and restrict allowances accordingly.
- Second-hand electric cars with zero emissions and hybrid cars (new or second-hand) with CO2 emissions of 50g/km or lower are eligible for 18% WDAs in the main pool.
- For unincorporated businesses, if there is private use: allocate the asset to a single asset pool and restrict allowances accordingly.
Commercial vehicles
- New zero-emissions commercial vehicles qualify for 100% FYAs or the 100% Annual Investment Allowance (AIA).
- 100% FYAs for new zero-emissions goods vehicles are due to end on 31 March 2025 (companies) or 5 April 2025 (unincorporated businesses).
- Second-hand zero-emissions commercial vehicles, along with commercial vehicles that may emit CO2, qualify for the 100% AIA.
- In both cases above:
- If 100% allowances are not claimed on the full expenditure, the balance is added to the main rate pool for 18% WDAs.
- For unincorporated businesses, if there is private use: allocate the asset to a single asset pool and restrict allowances accordingly.
Charging points
- Electric vehicle charging points are eligible for 100% FYAs.
- The private use element should not be overlooked here for unincorporated businesses as this may lead to the asset having to be separately pooled for capital allowance purposes.
- It was proposed in Autumn Statement 2024 that the availability of 100% FYAs on electric vehicle charging points would be extended until 31 March 2026 for Corporation Tax and 5 April 2026 for Income Tax purposes.
See also Vehicles (4 wheels): Allowances and Vehicles (2 or 3 wheels): Allowances
Benefits In Kind
- Normal Benefit In Kind rules apply to electric cars and vans provided to employees. The rates of tax depend on the level of CO2 emissions.
- For pure electric cars with no CO2 emissions, the rates are:
- 2% of the list price for 2024-25.
- 3% of the list price for 2025-26.
- 4% of the list price for 2026-27.
- 5% of the list price for 2027-28.
- The van benefit charge for zero-emission vans in 2024-25 and 2025-26 is £nil.
- The list price must include the price of the battery.
- The rules are more complex when it comes to charging electric cars as it depends on whether the car is a company car or a private car, how the car is used and who provides the electricity supply. See Car charging benefits tab.
- The usual rules apply regarding reimbursement of fuel costs, see Employees below and Car charging benefits tab.
- A specific Rate per mile for company-provided electric vehicles applies. This rate is reviewed quarterly.
- Where the employee uses their own car, the mileage rate is the same as for a petrol or diesel car i.e. 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles, then 25p.
- The electric vehicle employee owner-driver can also claim 5p per mile for each passenger they take on the same business journey.
See Company cars
Double-cab pickups
Changes to the classification of double-cab pickups were announced at the 2024 Autumn Budget from 1 April 2025 for Corporation Tax and 6 April 2025 for Income Tax.
Capital allowances
- Double cab pick-up vehicles with a payload of one tonne or more will be treated as cars for capital allowance purposes where expenditure is incurred on or after 1/6 April 2025.
- The existing capital allowances treatment will apply to vehicles purchased before 1/6 April 2025.
- Transitional arrangements will apply when an amount of expenditure is incurred on a double cab pick-up as a result of a contract entered into before April 2025 and the expenditure is incurred on or after that date but before 1 October 2025.
Employment taxes
- Double cab pick-up vehicles with a payload of one tonne or more will no longer be treated as goods vehicles, but will instead be cars for benefit-in-kind purposes.
- Transitional arrangements will apply for employers who have purchased, leased, or ordered a double cab pick-up before 6 April 2025. They will be able to use the previous treatment, until the earlier of disposal, lease expiry, or 5 April 2029.
Salary Sacrifice
- The 2017 changes to Optional Remuneration Arrangements (OPRA) and salary sacrifice did not apply to ultra-low emission vehicles (below 75g/km). As the benefit is based on the Benefit In Kind rate which is low for these vehicles, salary sacrifice can still be beneficial.
Normal rules for VAT recovery on the purchase or lease of a vehicle apply:
- VAT cannot be recovered on electric cars unless they are not provided for private use.
- 50% of the VAT can be recovered on leased cars.
- VAT can be recovered in full on non-leased commercial vehicles assuming no private use.
- VAT can be recovered on electric vehicle running costs such as repairs and vehicle excise duty where it applies.
HMRC’s policy on the supply of electricity for electric vehicles is:
- Supplies of electricity from public charging points are standard-rated.
- VAT on the business use element of electricity taken from home charging points is only recoverable for sole traders and partners and not for employees/directors. This is however currently being reviewed by HMRC.
- Where workplace charging is provided to employees the business may recover the VAT.
- Output VAT must then be charged on any element of electricity provided for private use as a deemed supply.
- Input VAT may also be recovered on the supply of electricity used to charge electric vehicles where there is business use where the vehicle is charged at a public charging point.
- The normal Partial exemption rules apply.
- Where the employer pays the employee for providing their own electricity for business travel in a company-owned electric car at the advisory fuel rates, HMRC have indicated that the employer cannot currently reclaim input tax on this.
R & C Brief 7 (2021): VAT liability of charging electric vehicles
Benefits In Kind
Electric vehicles as company cars/vans
- Normal Benefit In Kind rules apply and the rates of tax depend on the level of CO2 emissions.
- The 2024-25 zero-emission car rate is 2%. Hybrids are charged at up to 14%.
- The Van benefit charge for 2024-25 is nil assuming zero CO2 emissions.
- Percentages for electric (including hybrid) cars will increase by 1% in 2025-26, 2026-27 and 2027-28.
- This will bring rates to a maximum of 5% for electric cars and 17% for hybrids.
- Percentages for pure electric cars will increase by 2% in 2028-29 and 2029-30. Percentages for hybrids will increase by 1% in each year.
- This will bring rates to a maximum of 9% for electric cars and 19% for hybrids.
See Company cars and Van Benefit Charges
Employer-provided electric vehicle charging
- Where the employer provides a charging point at or near the business premises:
- There is no taxable benefit for a company car even with private use allowed.
- From April 2018 no taxable benefit where the car belongs to the employee assuming the charging point is available to all employees.
- Where the employer provides a charging point at the employee’s home:
- No benefit when the car is a company car.
- Benefit where the employee uses their own car based on the cost to the employer.
- Where the employer pays for a charge card to allow the employee to charge their car:
- No benefit where it is a company car.
- Taxable benefit is based on cost when the car is the employee’s own.
See the Car charging benefits tab for further details.
There are two schemes, the Workplace charging scheme and the Electric Vehicle Home charge scheme which provide vouchers/grants towards the cost of installing charging points.
See Plug-in car, van & motorcycle grants
Where an employer pays for a vehicle charging point to be installed at the employee’s home, the provision of the charge point:
- Does not result in a Benefit In Kind in respect of a company car available for private use.
- Does result in a Benefit In Kind in respect of a private car, even when used for business.
Mileage allowances and reimbursement of fuel costs
The usual rules apply regarding reimbursement of fuel costs.
- The current rate per mile for a company-provided electric vehicle is 7p per mile.
- Where the employee uses their own car the mileage allowance rates are the same as for a petrol or diesel car, 45p for the first 10,000 miles then 25p.
See Authorised mileage rates (own car drivers) and Advisory fuel rates (company car drivers)
Other areas to consider
There are government grants available between £500 and £25,000 for certain electric vehicles.
See Plug-in car, van & motorcycle grants
Vehicle excise duty
No vehicle excise duty currently applies to pure electric vehicles with no emissions.
- From April 2025, electric cars, vans and motorcycles will begin to pay Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) in the same way as petrol and diesel vehicles.
- New zero-emission cars registered on or after 1 April 2025 will pay the lowest first-year rate of VED, currently £10 a year (frozen to 2029-30).
- From the second year of registration onwards, they will move to the standard rate: £195 a year.
- Zero-emission cars first registered between 1 April 2017 and 31 March 2025 will also pay the standard rate.
- The Expensive Car Supplement (ECS) exemption for electric vehicles will end in 2025.
- The ECS currently applies for five years to cars with a list price exceeding £40,000.
- New zero-emission cars registered on or after 1 April 2025 will be liable for the ECS.
- Zero and low-emission cars first registered between 1 March 2001 and 30 March 2017 currently in Band A will move to the Band B rate, currently £20 a year.
- Zero-emission vans will move to the rate for petrol and diesel light goods vehicles, currently £335 a year for most vans.
- Zero-emission motorcycles and tricycles will move to the rate for the smallest engine size, currently £25 a year.
- Rates for alternative fuel vehicles and hybrids will also be equalised.
Electric v Petrol/diesel
Tax | Electric | Petrol/Diesel |
Benefits In Kind | ||
Car |
2% for 2024-25 (2% - 14% hybrids) Based on CO2 |
15% - 37% for 2024-25 Based on CO2 |
Van | 0% if zero CO2 emissions | £3,960 for 2024-25 £4,020 for 2025-26 |
Employer-provided charging point | ||
At work | None for company cars. None for employee-owned cars if available to all. |
N/A Car fuel benefit charge applies instead Based on £27,800 for 2024-25 and £28,200 for 2025-26. For van fuel benefits, see Van Benefit Charges |
At home | Taxable for employee cars. | |
By charge card | Taxable for employee cars. | |
Capital Allowances | ||
100% First-year allowances | Yes. All new zero-emission vehicles. | 100% AIAs for vehicles that are not cars, e.g. vans. Otherwise WDA based on emissions. |
Vehicle charging points | 100% allowances | N/A |
Allowances | ||
Mileage reimbursements | 7p per mile for fully electric company cars | 11p -23p per mile for company cars |
Fuel allowances | 45p/25p per mile allowance for employee's own car | 45p/25p per mile allowance for employee's own car |
VAT | ||
Acquiring & using the vehicle | No VAT recovery on purchase | No VAT recovery on car purchase |
50% restriction on car leasing costs | 50% restriction on car leasing costs | |
100% recovery for other vehicles with no private use | 100% recovery for other vehicles with no private use. | |
VAT recovery for other costs e.g. repairs | VAT recovery for other costs e.g. repairs | |
Charging points | VAT on business use electricity from home charging points only recoverable for sole traders and partners | VAT recoverable on fuel |
Recoverable where workplace charging is provided to employees | ||
Output VAT charged on private use element | VAT Fuel scale charge applies based on emissions |
Car charging: Benefits in Kind
The following table summarises the Benefit In Kind position for charging electric cars based on:
- Whether the car is a company or personal car.
- Whether the car is used exclusively for business purposes, exclusively for private purposes or a mixture.
- Where the car is charged and who provides the electricity.
Place car charged |
Electricity |
Company car |
Private car |
Only used privately |
Mixed-use |
Exclusive business use |
Only used privately |
Mixed or exclusive business use |
At employee's home |
Provided by employer |
No additional benefit. |
Cost of electricity used is taxable as a benefit in kind. |
Cost of electricity used is taxable as a Benefit In Kind. Authorised Mileage Allowance Payments can be paid and/or mileage allowance relief claimed for business miles travelled. |
At employee's home |
Reimbursed by employer |
Reimbursement is exempt under s.239(2) ITEPA 2003. Must be shown that the electricity was used to charge the company car. Ensure that the reimbursement is solely for the taxable company car and not for any other electric vehicles. |
Reimbursement is taxed as earnings. |
If a flat-rate amount is paid, it is taxed as earnings. If reimbursed by reference to mileage, Authorised Mileage Allowance Payments (AMAP) rules apply. Amounts paid in excess of AMAP rates are taxable. Where less than AMAP rates are paid, employee may claim tax relief on the difference, for business miles. |
At employee's home |
Provided by employee |
No tax implications. |
No additional benefit. Employee is entitled to a deduction for the cost of business miles travelled. |
No tax implications. |
Authorised Mileage Allowance Payments can be paid and/or mileage allowance relief claimed for business miles travelled. |
At workplace |
Provided by employer |
No additional benefit. |
Post 6/4/2018: no benefit where charging is available generally to employees and not part of an optional remuneration arrangement. |
Charging point (non-workplace) |
Provided by employer via charge card |
No additional benefit. |
Taxable benefit based on the cost to the employer. |
Taxable benefit based on cost to the employer Authorised Mileage Allowance Payments can be paid and/or mileage allowance relief claimed for business miles travelled. |
Where employees charge wholly electric company cars at home, which are available for private use, it is recommended that any reimbursements claimed are calculated using an accurate reading of the amount of electricity used and its cost.
- This is to avoid any reimbursement paying part of the employee’s domestic electricity bill, as this would be liable to Income Tax and NICs.
HMRC's guidance also sets out the position in relation to electric car batteries:
- The car battery is integral to the car itself. The value of the battery will be reflected in the list price, unless specifically excluded.
Company car | Employee's car | |
Battery leased separately from the car | Use list price | Not applicable |
List price does not include battery | Use notional list price | Not applicable |
Employer pays for a leased battery for private car |
Not applicable | Taxable benefit - cost to the employer |
Rates from 2025-26
Finance Act 2023 has announced the Benefit In Kind rates which will apply to low-emission and electric vehicles to the 2027-28 tax year. Rates for 2028-29 and 2029-30 were proposed in the 2024 Autumn Budget.
From the 2025-26 tax year, the appropriate percentages are as follows:
Car with CO2 emissions figure of: | Appropriate percentage |
0 | 3% |
1 - 49 and with: An electric range of 130 or more: An electric range of 70 - 129 An electric range of 40 - 69 An electric range of 30 - 39 An electric range of less than 30 |
3% 6% 9% 13% 15% |
51 - 54 | 16% |
55 - 59 | 17% |
60 - 64 | 18% |
65 - 69 | 19% |
70 to 74 | 20% |
From 2025-26, cars with CO2 emissions in excess of 75g/km will have an appropriate percentage equal to the lower of:
- 21% plus one percentage point for each five grams/km the 75g/km threshold is exceeded, and;
- 37%.
Rates increase as follows in 2026-27:
Car with CO2 emissions figure of: | Appropriate percentage |
0 | 4% |
1 - 49 and with: An electric range of 130 or more: An electric range of 70 - 129 An electric range of 40 - 69 An electric range of 30 - 39 An electric range of less than 30 |
4% 7% 10% 14% 16% |
51 - 54 | 17% |
55 - 59 | 18% |
60 - 64 | 19% |
65 - 69 | 20% |
70 to 74 | 21% |
These rates increase as follows in 2027-28:
Car with CO2 emissions figure of: | Appropriate percentage |
0 | 5% |
1 - 49 and with: An electric range of 130 or more: An electric range of 70 - 129 An electric range of 40 - 69 An electric range of 30 - 39 An electric range of less than 30 |
5% 8% 11% 15% 17% |
51 - 54 | 18% |
55 - 59 | 19% |
60 - 64 | 20% |
65 - 69 | 21% |
70 to 74 | 21% |
These rates increase as follows in 2028-29:
Car with CO2 emissions figure of: | Appropriate percentage |
0 | 7% |
1 - 49 | 18% |
51 - 54 | 19% |
55 - 59 | 20% |
60 - 64 | 21% |
65 - 69 | 22% |
70 to 74 | 22% |
For 2028-29, cars with CO2 emissions in excess of 75g/km will have an appropriate percentage equal to the lower of:
- 22% plus one percentage point for each five grams/km the 75g/km threshold is exceeded, and;
- 38%.
These rates increase as follows in 2029-30:
Car with CO2 emissions figure of: | Appropriate percentage |
0 | 9% |
1 - 49 | 19% |
51 - 54 | 20% |
55 - 59 | 21% |
60 - 64 | 22% |
65 - 69 | 23% |
70 to 74 | 23% |
For 2029-30, cars with CO2 emissions in excess of 75g/km will have an appropriate percentage equal to the lower of:
- 23% plus one percentage point for each five grams/km the 75g/km threshold is exceeded, and;
- 39%.
Small print & links
Useful guides on this topic
Plant & machinery (self-employed): Allowances
A person who is engaged in qualifying activities is able to claim plant and machinery allowances when they incur qualifying expenditure.
Plant & machinery: Allowances
What capital allowances are available on plant and machinery? How do you calculate them? What are qualifying activities?
Super-deduction & First Year Allowances
What is the new Super-deduction allowance? When does it apply and what is the rate of allowance? What other First Year Allowances (FYAs) are available?
Company cars
Company car tax: How do you work out car benefits? How do you work out car fuel benefits? Are there savings for low-emissions vehicles? How do you reduce car benefits? Cars and the tax tribunals and Top Tax Tips.
Cycle to Work Scheme
The Cycle to Work scheme permits an employer to provide cycles and/or associated safety equipment to employees tax-free.
Vans and Commercial vehicles
What is the benefit in kind charge if you drive a company van? What is the van fuel benefit? What is the tax on zero-emissions vans?
Cars & Vans: VAT
What is a car for VAT? What is a van for VAT? What VAT can be recovered on a car that is bought? Leased? What about fuel? Or mileage reimbursements?
VAT Toolkit
This is our summary version of HMRC's output and input VAT toolkits, our version includes more detail, topics and planning points.