Non-UK residents are liable for UK Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on certain asset disposals.
This is a freeview 'At a glance' guide to Non-residents & CGT.
Disposals by non-UK residents which are subject to UK CGT include:
- All chargeable assets: where non-residence is short-term or temporary, see SRT: Statutory Residence Test.
- UK land and property, and interests in UK property-rich entities, when the individual is statutory non-resident. See Non-resident CGT: UK property
- UK assets used to carry on a business in the UK.
Disposals of land and property must be reported within 60 days of conveyance (30 days for disposals before 27 October 2021), see Non-resident CGT: UK property.
We also have a handy summary table, see Different ways of taxing UK property.
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