31 January is the time limit for certain loss claims which have to be made in Self Assessment (SA) returns, as well being a tax return deadline.

Subscribers see Losses, trade losses and sideways relief

This is a freeview 'At a glance' guide to loss relief claims.

Loss reliefs: all references are to ITA 2007

Relief Time limit to claim

Offset trade loss against general income (s.64)

12 months from 31 January following the end of the tax year in which the loss arose. 
Early years loss relief (s.72) 12 months from 31 January following the end of the tax year in which the loss arose. 

See Losses, trade losses and sideways relief for time limits for other personal tax losses.

Top tips: correcting and amending tax returns

A tax return can be amended for up to 12 months following the submission deadline. You will want to make an amendment in order to correct a return, as well as to change any claim that is required to be made by return, such as a claim for losses or capital allowances.

Overpayment Relief may apply if you are amending claims outside the 12-month limit. Note the restrictions for claims made in returns.

The four-year Time limits for tax assessments, claims and refunds took effect from 1 April 2010.

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