The Scottish Parliament has announced that its 2023 Budget will be held on Tuesday 19 December 2023. This will set the tax and spending plans for Scotland for 2024-25.

Scottish Income Tax has applied since April 2016 and is payable by Scottish taxpayers. This followed the introduction, in April 2015, of Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) which replaced Stamp Duty Land Tax in Scotland.

The last Scottish budget was held on 15 December 2022.

Useful guides on this topic

Scottish Income Tax
From 6 April 2016, Scotland set its own Income Tax rates. What is the rate of Scottish Income Tax? What implications does it have?

Scottish Income Tax: Am I a Scottish taxpayer?
Who does Scottish Income Tax apply to? Am I resident in Scotland? What constitutes a residence and the 'main' residence?

Scottish Income Tax Rates
What is the Scottish rate of Income Tax? How many bands are there? What are the current and past tax bands and rates?

Scottish LBTT Rates
What are the Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) rates?

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