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Fair usage and ‘partner’ definition

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The number of user licences provided with your subscription is as follows

  • Sole practitioner/single partner: 5 users
  • Two partners: 10 users
  • Three partners: 15 users
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We use partner numbers to broadly estimate the amount of usage and value the firm will derive from our resources. We define a partner as any partner, director or similar who is a general practice portfolio holder and takes ultimate responsibility for the services provided to their portfolio of clients, (without anyone else routinely reviewing their work). This could include both equity and non-equity partners of a partnership and both shareholders and Directors of a company. It would not include managers who hold a portfolio but whose work is all undertaken in the name of and/or reviewed by a separately named partner.

It is acceptable for non-general practice partners to be excluded from the headcount i.e. those who run teams or services outside of taxation, audit, financial reporting, management accounting, advisory and compliance. For example, you may exclude financial services partners, corporate finance partners and HR partners. The managing partner or principal should always be included in the headcount. This process can be judgmental and so to ensure full transparency and mutual fairness, we ask you to disclose your headcount basis and assumptions to us, if there is any area of uncertainty. Our team are on hand to advise and will ensure a consistent and fair approach across our client base. The final decision of partner numbers is that of 20:20 Innovation.

Please inform us of any changes to partner numbers during your membership period. In most cases, this will not affect your membership price but it will enable us to process your next renewal efficiently. We do reserve the right to increase the current membership fee in circumstances of partner growth achieved by acquiring another firm.

Membership pricing is based on singular practices / legal entities. Please contact us to discuss pricing for networks, associations and other groups or cohorts of practices.

Subscription term

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The publishers make reasonable efforts to ensure the reliability of the Website content. Given the changing nature of tax legislation Website content is regularly reviewed and updated. There may often be a time delay between the passing of new legislation, or the reporting of a relevant tax case, and the time it takes us to update all relevant notes on the Website. The publishers endeavour to regularly summarise the major changes in our weekly 'Ross Martin Tax: SME News', also shared in the weekly email newsletter, 'SME Tax News'. Paid subscribers to the Website are subscribed to our SME Tax News mailing list when they first subscribe. You can also sign up to receive our weekly emails here.

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CPD courses: Limitation of Liability

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Virtual Tax Partner® support

Virtual Tax Partner® support (VtaxP) is a 'pay as you go' independent tax advisory service. This is owned and delivered by Ross Martin Tax Consultancy Limited (RMTC), a separate legal entity.

  • A paid subscription to rossmartin.co.uk DOES NOT provide you with free tax advice from VtaxP ®.
  • Subscribers to rossmartin.co.uk receive a 25% discount to tax support services provided by RMTC. 
  • If you raise a VtaxP query on the portal www.VtaxP.co.uk you will be required to create and account and set a password to use that service and upload your details for anti-money laundering risk assessment. See VtaxP: Terms & Conditions for more details. 

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The Website and its contents are operated by Carlatton Capital Limited, which acquired Tiger Dog Media and Publishing Ltd, trading as rossmartin.co.uk and Ross Martin Tax Consultancy Limited, trading as Virtual Tax Partner® (VtaxP®). Carlatton Capital Limited's trading companies include Ross Martin Tax Consultancy Limited, 20:20 Innovation Training Ltd, and Tiger Dog Media and Publishing Ltd. 

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How we get your information and why we have it.

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