The Welsh Government has announced the opening of applications for The School Essentials Grant. This provides cash for schooling to families on lower incomes and those who qualify for certain benefits.
The 2024 to 2025 scheme has opened and applications will be taken up until 31 May 2025. Grants can be used to buy school essentials such as uniforms, stationery and equipment. All learners in compulsory school years are eligible and families can claim the grant once per school year per child.
Children in compulsory school years from reception to year 11 (or equivalent) are now eligible for grants:
- £125 per learner.
- £200 for learners entering year seven (to help with increased costs associated with starting secondary school).
For further information on eligibility or the application process, please contact your local authority directly.
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External links
Guidance: School Essentials Grant