Days after announcing that HMRC was going to make business owners reclassify their double cab pick-ups as ‘cars’ for employment benefit and capital allowance purposes, HMRC has changed its policy.
Nichola's SME Tax W-update 15 February 2024
Double cab pick-up: a car or van? The answer might lie in the number of passenger doors, but even the physicist Erwin Schrödinger might have been bemused to find that HMRC has announced that soon it will no longer interpret the meaning of 'car' for Benefit In Kind (BIK) and capital allowance purposes in line with the VAT definition. It will, during a transitional period, accept that cars may be vans, meaning that advantage can be taken of the current rules for a time.
Nichola's SME Tax W-update 8 February 2024
HMRC's latest campaign aims to identify undeclared dividend income. As you all know, most small companies' accounts do not show the amount of dividends that have been paid to their owners. HMRC can calculate the level of distributions made by making a comparison of a company's reserves from one year to the next from its accounts submitted for Corporation Tax.
Tax and taxis: Is there a new 'taxi tax'?
Some news outlets seem to think that there is a new form of 'taxi-tax'. There is no new tax but a dispute about VAT. We take a closer look at the issues.
Nichola's SME Tax W-update 1 February 2024
How was Self Assessment for you? I bet you have the same issue: a small band of taxpayers who bring their books in at the last minute.
Nichola's SME Tax W-update 25 January 2024
With less than a week to go before we reach the deadline for filing Self Assessment returns and the pressure well and truly mounting we are delighted, after last week's Poppadom sensation VAT case, to find yet another amusing First Tier Tribunal (FTT) decision to read over lunch.
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