HMRC has been given leave to appeal the decision of the Upper Tier Tax Tribunal that payments made by the club to players via its employee benefit trust (EBT) were loans and not subject to PAYE.
Offshore consultations 2014
Two consultations on offshore evasion strategy have now closed, new measures are being introduced in 2015/16. The new measures include making a failure to declare offshore income or gains a criminal offence.
Direct recovery of debts: sign the petition
The Government's proposal for Direct Recovery of [tax] Debts will allow HMRC a free hand to dip into taxpayer's bank accounts has met with united opposition from all of the tax and accountancy bodies. Simply put, HMRC makes too many mistakes to be trusted, and any power which allows the Government to circumvent the normal legal process of an open court hearing is not something that that a civilised Western society expects. Please sign the petition to stop this measure.
Direct recovery of debts: a power too far
Chancellor George Osborne’s plans to raid people’s bank accounts are a “power too far” for the taxman and will damage innocent families and vulnerable people, according to a powerful new coalition calling for him to ditch the proposals.
CIOT call to exempt small employers from RTI
The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) is calling for a permanent exemption for small employers for PAYE Real Time Information (RTI) reporting.
HMRC plans stealth changes to PAYE codes
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have published a draft Statutory Instrument which proposes a highly controversial change to the 2003 PAYE Regulations: the ability for HMRC to change a PAYE tax code by stealth. It is not clear from any documentation why it needs to make this change.
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