Starting work, what kind of worker are you? What are the special rules for certain types of worker?

This is a freeview guide.

In this second part of our Starting work guides, we explain the rules that apply to different workers.

What kind of worker are you?

This will normally be obvious and if so, then skip this. If you are unsure, then read on.

When you work and someone is paying you you will either be working as:

Sometimes, the tax rules deem you to be an employee, even though you might have thought you were self-employed.

When the tax rules treat you as an employee you may not always receive full employment rights and benefits such as sick pay, holiday pay, employer pensions etc.

  • You should confirm your employment status when you start new work.
  • Employment status is worked out according to your relationship with your engager, the nature of your work, how you do your work, and many other factors which have been set by the courts over many years.
  • If you are told that you are self-employed you may wish to use HMRC’s Check Employment Status Tool as a starting point to check your employment status if you are unsure.

Basics: Employee or not?

If you:

Work directly for an employment agency/staff bureau/recruitment agency and it supplies your services to its customer:

  • In most cases, you will be taxed as an employee of the agency
  • The agency must assess your employment status and decide whether you are subject to the control, direction and supervision of anyone.
  • The agency will in most cases have to tax you as an employee and you have employment rights. These are under the terms of the Agency Workers Regulations 2010.
  • You can claim tax relief on any employment expenses either via the agency or in writing to HMRC.
  • See Agency Workers: At a glance.
  • If you are offered an agency contract which treats you as self-employed or the contract appears to give you more tax relief than you expect on your take home pay you may be exposed to an illegal tax avoidance scheme.
  • See Starting Work 5: Working for an agency/umbrella tax-avoidance risk

Work directly for an online platform

  • You may be self-employed or employed.
  • If you are selling your own goods or services you are most likely self-employed. See Side-Hustles & Tax
  • If you work directly for the platform you are probably employed. Its wise to check employment status in some situations which promote a new style of working.
  • You (or the platform) can assess your employment status using HMRC's CEST and discuss the findings with your engager. Your engager is responsible for deducting tax and NICs if you are an employee.
  • If you are an employee you should receive full employment rights. 

Work directly for a non-business customer

  • You should confirm your employment status with your customer.
  • Use HMRC’s Check Employment Status Tool as a starting point to check your employment status if you are unsure.
  • If you think you should be self-employed but are really unsure do seek professional assistance from an accountant who can help you decide.
  • If your customer treats you as an employee you will have full employment rights.

Work through your own company

  • If you have set up a company and provide your personal service via the company to an agency or another business customer, you fall within the ‘Off-Payroll Working rules’.
  • Off-Payroll Working is the government’s term to describe the situation where someone who it considers is really an employee works on a freelance basis via an intermediary company.
  • When the rules cut in, you are deemed to be an employee of the party who is paying you and you acquire no employment rights.
  • See Off-Payroll Working: At a glance.

Working through an umbrella company

  • Sometimes if you are working for an agency you will be told that you have to work via a 'payroll umbrella' or some other kind of set-up where you are being paid by a third party or someone other than the agency that recruited you.
  • A payroll umbrella will normally treat you as an employee and deduct PAYE and National Insurance from any wages paid to you. 
  • Other entities may pay you in different ways. If you are told that you are being paid via a loan or some kind of revolving credit without deduction of tax or that your pay is adjusted for your expenses but you have no idea what they are talking about, then do not trust that setup. Be extra careful if the paying agency claims to be based outside England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales. 
  • You may not always have full employment rights if you are being paid by a third party: it depends on the setup.
  • See Starting Work 5: Working for an agency/umbrella tax-avoidance risk

Work in the Construction Industry

  • You could be self-employed or an employee. 
  • If you are self-employed, you will need to consider whether you need to be registered as a sub-contractor under the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS). That will mean that your engager will stop tax from your payments.
    • Contractors and subcontractors must be registered with HMRC.
    • Contractors must assess each subcontractor before making any payment to them and are responsible for making a deduction of tax at source.
  • It is up to a Construction business to carry out an Employment status check to check whether its workers are self-employed or employees.
  • See Construction Industry Contractors and Sub-contractors: Tax Overview

Next guides in this series

How to work out your tax if you are an employee
When you are an employee your employer, or the person paying you, must deduct Pay as You Earn (PAYE) income tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) from your wages before they pay you.

How to work out your tax if you are self-employed
When you are self-employed you have to account for and pay your own tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICS) to HM Revenue & Customs.

How to register for tax
You are self-employed, you have started working for yourself, what do you need to do to now? How to register for tax.


Starting work: Self-employed or employed: what's the difference?


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